Cereals as a superfood: why whole grain products should not be missing from school breakfasts

Cereals as superfoods: Why whole grain products should not be missing from school breakfasts: The benefits of whole grains for children. What do a superhero and wholegrains have in common?
They are both real powerhouses!
While one fights bad guys, the other supports our health – especially that of our children.
In this blog post, I explain why whole grain products such as oatmeal, whole grain bread and brown rice should not be missing from any school breakfast and what benefits they have especially for children.

Why whole grain products?

Whole grain products are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
In contrast to refined grains, where the grain is hulled and many nutrients are removed, whole grain products retain the whole grain.
This means: more nutrients for more power!
These nutrients are particularly important for children, as they not only support growth, but also mental development.

The benefits of whole grains for children:

  1. Energy for the whole day: wholegrain products provide complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly and keep blood sugar levels stable.
    This means a steady supply of energy throughout the morning.
    No sudden energy surges or drops that could make children unfocused and fussy.
  2. Promotes digestion: The fiber in whole grain products supports healthy digestion.
    They ensure that children can go to the toilet regularly – and without a tummy ache!
  3. Supports brain function: Wholemeal products contain B vitamins, which are important for brain function.
    They help to promote concentration and increase cognitive performance – ideal for a successful school day!
  4. Reduces the risk of obesity: Children who eat wholegrain products have a lower risk of becoming overweight.
    The fiber makes them feel fuller for longer, so they are less likely to reach for high-calorie snacks.
  5. Strengthens the immune system: Antioxidants in wholegrain products help to strengthen the immune system.
    A strong immune system is particularly important at school, where viruses and bacteria are just waiting to infect children.

Tips for a whole grain-rich school breakfast:

  • Oatmeal with fruit: a classic that never gets old.
    Oatmeal is rich in iron and fiber.
    Together with fresh fruit and some yoghurt, they make a nutritious breakfast.
  • Wholemeal bread with a spread: Whether with cream cheese, avocado or an egg – wholemeal bread is versatile and provides the perfect basis for a balanced breakfast.
  • Homemade muesli bars: simply make them from rolled oats, honey and nuts.
    They are not only healthy, but also a delicious snack for the break.
  • Quinoa porridge: An exotic alternative to oatmeal that is just as delicious and also contains all nine essential amino acids.

How do you convince children to eat whole grains?

Children are often skeptical when it comes to healthy eating.
But don’t worry, you can change that with a few tricks:

  • Cooking together: Children love to help with the cooking.
    Let them watch you bake bread or make their own muesli bars.
  • Fun shapes and colors: A wholemeal bread in the shape of a star or an oatmeal porridge with a smiley face made of fruit – this makes healthy eating even more fun.
  • Tell stories: Tell your kids that whole grains are the favorite food of a superhero who is always strong and smart.
    Who wouldn’t want to be that?


Wholemeal products are real superfoods that should not be missing from any school breakfast.
They provide children with the energy and nutrients they need to stay healthy and focused throughout the school day.
With a few creative ideas and delicious recipes, even the smallest skeptics can be won over.
Try it out and send your child off for the day with a super healthy breakfast!

Keywords: wholemeal, superfood, school breakfast, children’s nutrition, oatmeal, fibre, healthy eating, wholemeal bread, energy for children, boosting the immune system

Hashtags: #wholemeal #superfood #schoolbreakfast #children’snutrition #healthychildren #parentstips #wholemealbread #healthybreakfast #energyforchildren #healthyanddelicious