The magic of fresh flakes

Once upon a time there was a small village on the edge of a magical forest, full of lively children.

But one day, the wise old owl noticed that the children were often tired and unable to concentrate.

The owl discovered the secret:

the children were eating ready-made oatmeal from the supermarket full of sugar and additives.

The children went to Farmer Fritz.

He showed them how to put the golden oat grains into the mill and turn the crank. The fresh oat flakes that came out smelled wonderful.

From that day on, the children flaked their own oats every morning and became the energetic, happy adventurers they had been.

The wise owl knew that the children had discovered the power of a natural breakfast.

They’ve been telling everyone ever since:

Flake your own oats and feel the magic! Try it for yourself! Feel the energy of freshly flaked oats and quickly order the “magic grain crusher” from here:

Salzburg Master Flaker beech